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Un grazie speciale ai nostri fotografi! è stato un piacere aver avuto loro al nostro fianco durante il matrimonio e nei giorni extra, sono stati estremamente professionali e discreti con noi e con gli ospiti pur riuscendo a cogliere scatti bellissimi. li raccomando poi per la loro puntualità e grande disponibilità nel realizzare l’album, che abbiamo in gran parte potuto creare scegliendo tra diverse opzioni online, molto comodo! – Lucia
Cristian and Maria are 2 warm and kind professionals. Since the very first time we met they explained us how they work and told us a number of ideas and options we didn’t think of.
For our wedding we shot photos in 3 different days, to have the best lights and locations.
After that they have been really quick in uploading the selection of photos on their website and each time we selected the photos we wanted on our album, in few days we got a pdf-file to show us how it would look, so that we could change and change again untill it became perfect. They have been really patients and always available, also on the weekend and at night. ( And this is very helpfull cause we are a pretty busy couple)
Most of all, any photo is taken with care and it shares an emotion with the ones who look at it. Our friends and relatives loved the album. You would love it too. If you want a unique wedding, go for Mihaila. – Andrea
Dopo la cerimonia siamo andati a fare una piccola sessione foto in vicinanza, sempre nel centro storico di Bologna.

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